By: ian
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November 29th, the Olympique Lyonnais football club inaugurated the installation of the latest photovoltaic shades on the car parks of its stadium, the Groupama Stadium.
This was an opportunity for EURACTIV France to meet those involved in this long-standing project (Jean-Michel Aulas, Xavier Pierrot, Catherine MacGregor, Mathieu Cambet), which has made the stadium a Energy efficiency’s European benchmark for this type of infrastructure.
9 GW of solar panels are now available to supply electricity to the Groupama Stadium, which requires 12 GW. This type of project is greatly facilitated because Olympique Lyonnais owns its stadium.
As a result, the club can test, act and finance as it sees fit in initiatives to reduce its footprint which will, in turn, enable it to reduce its energy bill and, why not, improve the performance of its equipment thanks to the measures presented in this video.
You can watch the video here: